We are based in US.
We ship from our partnered sweat-free factories located in China. So, please expect your items to be shipped separately (if you order more than one item) as different factories specialize in different areas of manufacturing.
Strictly no returns or exchanges unless there is the defect(s) in the product(s) and the attention is brought to us no later than a week! So make sure you are ordering the correct item. Make sure to read the measurements on products that apply. If there are none, email us!
We offer free worldwide shipping to more than 185 countries on No Minimum Order value.
Yes, you can place the order from any country.
We are not responsible for any customs fees once the items have shipped. By purchasing our products, you consent that one or more packages may be shipped to you and may get customs fees when they arrive at your country.
Please email us as soon as possible if you wish to change or cancel your order. Note that once the item has been fulfilled and marked as shipped, we are not able to make any changes or cancellations to your order.
email us at gearaura@gmail.com, and we are happy to help.